It is known that Life is a journey established by our Divine Creator. So,
put on the most comfortable shoes based on the terrain that you are
facing and let’s walk Beyond the talk.
A Thought as Food:
Did you ever look at Mind, Body & Soul as Shoes that need to match harmoniously in order to keep the Balance of a Central Spirit (Essence) that links them all?
Our experience will be one of Balance as we integrate the necessary truths that are essential in maintaining our Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit. It is a fact that even though each walk may have similarities we all have a unique perspective that goes Beyond comparison. It is this uniqueness that enables me to say hello (bonjour, alo, salut, ola, hola,ni hao, hi, hallo, kamusta, marhabaan, kon’nichiwa, respect, opa, greetings, guten tag, zdravstvuyte, hujambo, pele o, annyeonghaseyo,saluton, namaste, sawubona, salve, buna, ahoj, etc.) knowing you accept it by way of the Universal Love that connects us all. I trust that our blogs here at BBB are enhancing to your unique world experience and beyond.
I Am BBB:)