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My Tea (Mighty): Pure Love.

Menu (Me-In-You): The Tea of Self today is served with the All
Inclusive ingredients/treats of Purity and Love. It is currently showing
itself in All-Ways as the Law of Sowing and Harvesting. Therefore, the
Offer (Seed) Itself is Its Own Acceptance (the tree of Humanity comes
from One Kind/Serving/Sharing Tree of Pure Love). So, let us empty
anything added or subtracted from our cup (bodily housing/inn/temple)
of tea so we can be filled completely with the You-Neat-Tea (One Tea/
Unity) that is ordered for us all by the All-My-Tea (All-Mighty: Pure
Love). This Tea or as some would say, Red Sea, is the blood of life
with its oxygen and mineral rich aspects enhances the various shining
of many hues (many yous). Like it was said in the movie Forest
Gump, “Life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you going
to get.” Let’s open our box and share or in this instance raise our cups
A picture is worth over a thousand words.
What are we brewing as our bodies (cups) serve each other in our
collective experience as Humanity?
Key: The development of our means of communicating the vibration
of Divine (The-Vine) Purity and Love is the Destiny (Home) of All
Humanity. Some of us have developed a potency in sharing/serving
by allowing Pure Love’s Well to Flow.
As we embrace and embody the truth of our Beingness that we are
the Brew/Breath of Pure Love our Activity encourages all who interact
with us to do the same. Keep sharing be-cause you are the Brewing
Tea of Be You Tea Full Humanity.

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