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T-Hebrew of Life

Any One for T?

Raise your cup as we share and partake of This Pure Brew: Yod Heh
Wah Heh: YHWH.
YHWH is the mantra of Liberation given to Moses at the Burning
Bush, 3400 years ago. Translated as “That which Was, Is, and Will
Be,” it takes one beyond time, space, and being into the non-dual
experience of God’s Oneness. It also creates the meaning, “I will
Become what I Already Am,” which is our full potential awakening of
Liberation into “I Am That,” which is the ultimate resonance prior to
consciousness. It also represents the 5 levels of the soul, the 10
Sefirot, the 4 directions, and the integration of the inner male and
female (Yod Heh) with the outer male and female (Wah Heh). YHWH
manifests as the Shekhinah (sacred feminine) as all creation. YHWH
is the vibration of the Name of God in our DNA. By repeating the
mantra, we become a magnet for the cosmic light which enhances
and activates the inner light. YHWH can be used in meditation, as well
as every moment of the day.

I got these words from Rabbi Gabriel Cousen after he performed what
is called a Shakti Pad in a group setting at the Liphe Balance Center
in Connecticut. My production company was hired to film the parts of
that event that could be recorded. The setting for the Shackti pad was
not video recorded. I have gained such a profound clarity to the nature
of the activity that I partook in that night as it was a confirmation of
things I have been embracing for years. I am thankful and therefore I
share with others who are willing to accept that which is poured out for
Many (All).
A Thought As Food:
When we chant a Mantra we are invoking the central vibration that
Balance that which needs it by way of the Complete (Whole/Holy
I Am BBB:)

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